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Home >Curriculum
As mentioned in the Home page, we teach a variety of courses in supply chain management and its related areas. In addition, we offer our students a number of research methodology courses such as Operations Research, Large-scale Optimization and Regression Analysis; this allows them to possess the fundamental knowledge, quantitative/analytical techniques,and computer tools (such as Java, IBM ILOG OPL and CPLEX, Gurobi, SAS, and Arena) necessary for conducting quality research. Therefore, our courses are strategically structured in five major categories of industrial management:
● Research methodologies
● Supply chain management
● Business management
● Planning & control
● Quality management

The above courses thus offer a rich selection for our students to choose from. Moreover, they also regularly take courses offered by Department of Business Administration and Department of Information Management in our School of Management, such as e-Commerce, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, to strengthen their qualifications. Last, but not the least, our students have taken the advantage of a strong partnership long established between our School of Management and SAP (http://go.sap.com/index.html) by participating in co-ops and other related activities on the campus. Such opportunities are unique in the country and allow our students to better prepare for the job market.
The following figure illustrates how our courses strongly support the missions of our institute.