

職稱 助理教授
最高學歷 美國普渡大學管理博士
專長領域 資料科學、決策分析、品質工程、供應鏈管理、隨機模式
研究室 管二館 728/分機 66657
OfficeHour 每週一 13:00~17:00
電子信箱 fushiang@mgt.ncu.edu.tw

  • 期刊論文
  • 各類計畫
  • Debrina P. Andriani, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2023), Pricing and investment decisions when facing heterogeneous customers under different supply chain power structures, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 78, (EI, doi:10.1016/j.aej.2023.07.057)
  • Debrina P. Andriani, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2023), Coordinating a Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Pricing and Extended Warranty Strategies under Demand Substitution Effects, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 123(1) (DOI: 10.15587)
  • Debrina P. Andriani, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2023), Warranty and Bundling Strategies for PricingDecisions in a Duopoly, IEEE Access, 11 (SCI, doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3285168)
  • L. Tri Wijaya Nata Kusuma, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2020), IOT Framework to Support Maritime Highway Program, Journal of Cases on Information Technology, 22(3) (EI, doi:10.4018/JCIT)
  • Lalu Tri Wijaya Nata Kusuma, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2019), Analysis of the Impact of the “Sea Toll” Program for Seaports: Resilience and Competitiveness, Applied Sciences,9 (SCI, doi:10.3390/app9163407)
  • Lalu Tri Wijaya Nata Kusuma, Jun-Der Leu, and Fu-Shiang Tseng (2019), Advanced ERP Application for Marine Transportation Industry in the South Asia Pacific Country: A Case Study, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 528 (EI, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/528/1/012048)
學年度 研究計畫名稱 研究計畫經費 補助單位
110 開發矽晶圓長晶設備預測性分析以數位 分身之應用 2,300,000


108 開發人工智慧之非預期性機台異常預測系統 552,000



  • 開課資訊

    學年度 開課資訊
    98上 迴歸分析、計量方法
    碩專 統計方法
    97下 作業研究二、品質管理
    碩專 資料管理