王啓泰 (所長)

職稱 | 副教授 |
最高學歷 | 美國密西根大學工業工程博士 |
專長領域 | 供應鏈管理、再生能源與永續發展、半導體產業、作業研究應用 |
研究室 | 管二館 733-1 / 分機 66667 |
OfficeHour | 每週二 14:30~16:30 |
電子信箱 | ctwang@mgt.ncu.edu.tw |
實驗室 |
供應鏈管理與產業動態研究實驗室 |
學校官方網頁 |
https://scholars.ncu.edu.tw/zh/persons/chi-tai-wang |
- 陳杰楠*,王啓泰(2024)。我國電動車產業之研究趨勢。華人經濟研究,第二十二卷,第一期,39–58頁。
- 許燕福*,王啓泰(2023)。台灣印刷電路板產業的再生能源運用策略。華人經濟研究,第二十一卷,第一期,99–108頁。
- Trihardani L, Wang C-T*, Hsieh Y-J (2022). Making optimal location-sizing decisions for deploying hybrid renewable energy at B&Bs. Applied Sciences, 12, 6087.
- Liao M-H*, Wang C-T (2021). Using enterprise architecture to integrate lean manufacturing, digitalization, and sustainability: A lean enterprise case study in the chemical industry. Sustainability, 13, 4851.
- Nguyen V C, Wang C-T*, Hsieh Y-J (2021). Electrification of highway transportation with solar and wind energy. Sustainability, 13, 5456.
- Chou H-H, Wang C-T*, Sheu R-S (2016). A practical multiple-tool-set approach for increasing agile response in overhaul production with limited resource requirement visibility. International Journal of Industrial Engineering 23(2), 119-136.
- Wang C-T*, Su S-J (2015). Strategic capacity planning for light emitting diode (LED) supply chains across Taiwan and China. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(12), 1989-2003.
- Milne R J*, Wang C-T, Denton B T, Fordyce K (2015). Incorporating contractual arrangements in production planning. Computers & Operations Research, 53, 353-363.
- Milne R J*, Mahapatra S, Wang C-T (2015). Optimizing planned lead times for enhancing performance of MRP systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 220-231.
- Fordyce K*, Milne R J, Wang C-T, Zisgen H (2015). Modeling and integration of planning, scheduling, and equipment configuration in semiconductor manufacturing part I: Review of successes and opportunities. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22(5), 575-600.
- Fordyce K*, Milne R J, Wang C-T, Zisgen H (2015). Modeling and integration of planning, scheduling, and equipment configuration in semiconductor manufacturing part II: Fab capability assessment. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22(5), 601-617.
- Wang C-T*, Chiu C-S (2014). Competitive strategies for Taiwan's semiconductor industry in a new world economy. Technology in Society, 36, 60-73.
- Milne R J, Wang C-T* (2014). Enhancing mathematical programming models to account for demand priorities increasing as a function of delivery date. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 31(1), 51-63.
- Degbotse A, Denton B, Fordyce K, Milne R J, Orzell R, Wang C-T (2013). IBM blends heuristics and optimization to plan its semiconductor supply chain. Interfaces, 43(2), 130-141.
- Bozer Y A, Wang C-T* (2012). A graph-pair representation and MIP-model-based heuristic for the unequal-area facility layout prob-lem. European Journal of Operational Research, 218(2), 382-391.
- Milne R J*, Wang C-T, Yen C-K A, Fordyce K (2012). Optimized material requirements planning for semiconductor manufacturing. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(11), 1566-1577.
- Hsieh Y-J*, Huang L-Y, Wang C-T (2012). A framework for the se-lection of Six Sigma projects in services: case studies of banking and health care services in Taiwan. Service Business, 6(2), 243-264.
- Wang C-T*, Fordyce K, Milne R J, Orzell R (2008). The IBM advanced planning system for managing next generation demand-supply networks. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 4(1), 125-140.
- Wang C-T* (2017). Identifying an optimally configured solar/wind power system for buildings. The 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (Quebec City, Canada).
- Wang C-T*, Chiu C-S (2014). Sustainable management of Taiwan's semiconductor supply chain. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2014 (Jeju Island, South Korea).
- Milne R J, Wang C-T* (2014). Incorporating dynamic relative importance into LP and MIP models. IIE Annual Conference & Expo (Montreal, Canada).
- Wang C-T* (2013). Strategic supply network planning with order fulfillment modes. Proceedings of the 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (Cebu, Philippines).
- Wang C-T*, Lin G, Hung C P (2011). A preliminary study of applying "Design-Chain Operations Reference-model" (DCOR) to collaborate substrate designs. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing and Design Collaboration 2011 and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2011 (Hsinchu, Taiwan).
- Bozer Y A, Wang C-T* (2010). A graph-pair representation and MIP-model-based heuristic for the unequal-area facility layout problem. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (Awaji Island, Japan): 1-6.
- Wang C-T*, Milne R J (2009). Advanced material requirements planning systems for semiconductor manufacturing at IBM. The Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming & Banna (China).
- Fordyce K, Wang C-T, Chang C-H, Degbotse A, Denton B, Lyon P, Milne R J, Orzell R, Rice R and Waite J (2011). Chapter 14 The Ongoing Challenge: Creating an Enterprise-Wide Detailed Supply Chain Plan for Semiconductor and Package Operations, Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook, vol. 2 (pp. 313-387), edited by Kempf, Keskinocak and Uzsoy, Springer (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol. 152).
學年度 | 研究計畫名稱 | 研究計畫經費 | 補助單位 |
111 | 晶圓重組部生產管理專業人才培訓計畫 | 354,378 |
同欣電子工業股份有限公司龍科分公司 |
110 | 晶圓重組生產排程作業優化及產品標準工時維護計畫 | 442,000 |
同欣電子工業股份有限公司龍科分公司 |
109 | 晶圓重組部生產管理專才培訓計畫 | 328,000 |
同欣電子工業股份有限公司 |
107 | 基板部生產作業標準工時量測與維護計畫 | 350,000 |
同欣電子工業股份有限公司 |
107 | iOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) | 75,000 |
南亞科技股份有限公司 |
106 | IOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) 計劃 | 162,500 |
南亞科技股份有限公司 |
105 | 一般建物採用最新太陽能與風力混合發電科技之策略規劃 | 339,000 |
科技部 |
105 | iOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) | 162,000 |
南亞科技股份有限公司 |
104 | 提升企業流程效率專案 | 60,000 |
鴻璿股份有限公司 |
104 | 製造管理系統(電子看板)與倉庫揀貨效率流程改善專案 | 54,000 |
台灣瀧澤科技股份有限公司 |
102 | 同時考慮「顧客需求日期」及「製造商承諾日期」之 LED 供應鏈策略性產能規劃 | 528,000 |
國科會 |
100 | 提升台灣半導體產業供應鏈協同設計能力 | 550,000 |
資策會 |
99 | 全球運籌規劃顧問服務專案(延伸計畫) | 120,000 |
聯合通商電子商務股份有限公司 |
99 | 全球運籌規劃顧問服務專案 | 120,000 |
聯合通商電子商務股份有限公司 |
98 | 運用數學規劃、圖形、以及啟發式演算法來規劃多期廠房設施 | 528,000 |
國科會 |
97 | 運用數學規劃、圖形、以及啟發式演算法來規劃廠房設施 | 563,000 |
國科會 |
作業研究一 Operations Research I
作業研究乃工業管理學門核心的計量方法課程,目的在於傳授(一)建立數學模型(mathematical model)的技能,(二)尋求模型最佳解(optimal solution)的演算法,以及(三)如何運用資訊科技為模型求解。
再生能源與永續發展 Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development
氣候變遷(climate change)與全球暖化(global warming)已對全球構成嚴重威脅。本課程目的在於傳授(一)全球暖化相關之地球科學,(二)再生能源(renewable energy)相關知識及科技,以及(三)為建物或公路網設置再生能源相關設施之策略規劃。
永續發展與企業社會責任 Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility
氣候變遷(climate change)與全球暖化(global warming)已對全球構成嚴重威脅。本課程目的在於傳授(一)全球暖化相關之地球科學,(二)再生能源(renewable energy)相關知識及科技,以及(三)為建物或公路網設置再生能源相關設施之策略規劃。
供應鏈管理 Supply Chain Management
供應鏈管理於上世紀 90 年代開始成為企業至關重要之核心競爭力。本課程探討議題包含供應鏈演化歷程、重大議題及挑戰、基本數學模型及永續供應鏈。