
王啓泰 (所長)

職稱 副教授
最高學歷 美國密西根大學工業工程博士
專長領域 供應鏈管理、再生能源與永續發展、半導體產業、作業研究應用
研究室 管二館 733-1 / 分機 66667
OfficeHour 每週二 14:30~16:30
電子信箱 ctwang@mgt.ncu.edu.tw

  • 期刊論文
  • 研討會論文
  • 專書及其他著作
  • 各類計畫
  • 陳杰楠*,王啓泰(2024)。我國電動車產業之研究趨勢。華人經濟研究,第二十二卷,第一期,39–58頁。
  • 許燕福*,王啓泰(2023)。台灣印刷電路板產業的再生能源運用策略。華人經濟研究,第二十一卷,第一期,99–108頁。
  • Trihardani L, Wang C-T*, Hsieh Y-J (2022). Making optimal location-sizing decisions for deploying hybrid renewable energy at B&Bs. Applied Sciences, 12, 6087.
  • Liao M-H*, Wang C-T (2021). Using enterprise architecture to integrate lean manufacturing, digitalization, and sustainability: A lean enterprise case study in the chemical industry. Sustainability, 13, 4851.
  • Nguyen V C, Wang C-T*, Hsieh Y-J (2021). Electrification of highway transportation with solar and wind energy. Sustainability, 13, 5456.
  • Chou H-H, Wang C-T*, Sheu R-S (2016). A practical multiple-tool-set approach for increasing agile response in overhaul production with limited resource requirement visibility. International Journal of Industrial Engineering 23(2), 119-136.
  • Wang C-T*, Su S-J (2015). Strategic capacity planning for light emitting diode (LED) supply chains across Taiwan and China. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66(12), 1989-2003.
  • Milne R J*, Wang C-T, Denton B T, Fordyce K (2015). Incorporating contractual arrangements in production planning. Computers & Operations Research, 53, 353-363.
  • Milne R J*, Mahapatra S, Wang C-T (2015). Optimizing planned lead times for enhancing performance of MRP systems. International Journal of Production Economics, 167, 220-231.
  • Fordyce K*, Milne R J, Wang C-T, Zisgen H (2015). Modeling and integration of planning, scheduling, and equipment configuration in semiconductor manufacturing part I: Review of successes and opportunities. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22(5), 575-600.
  • Fordyce K*, Milne R J, Wang C-T, Zisgen H (2015). Modeling and integration of planning, scheduling, and equipment configuration in semiconductor manufacturing part II: Fab capability assessment. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 22(5), 601-617.
  • Wang C-T*, Chiu C-S (2014). Competitive strategies for Taiwan's semiconductor industry in a new world economy. Technology in Society, 36, 60-73.
  • Milne R J, Wang C-T* (2014). Enhancing mathematical programming models to account for demand priorities increasing as a function of delivery date. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 31(1), 51-63.
  • Degbotse A, Denton B, Fordyce K, Milne R J, Orzell R, Wang C-T (2013). IBM blends heuristics and optimization to plan its semiconductor supply chain. Interfaces, 43(2), 130-141.
  • Bozer Y A, Wang C-T* (2012). A graph-pair representation and MIP-model-based heuristic for the unequal-area facility layout prob-lem. European Journal of Operational Research, 218(2), 382-391.
  • Milne R J*, Wang C-T, Yen C-K A, Fordyce K (2012). Optimized material requirements planning for semiconductor manufacturing. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(11), 1566-1577.
  • Hsieh Y-J*, Huang L-Y, Wang C-T (2012). A framework for the se-lection of Six Sigma projects in services: case studies of banking and health care services in Taiwan. Service Business, 6(2), 243-264.
  • Wang C-T*, Fordyce K, Milne R J, Orzell R (2008). The IBM advanced planning system for managing next generation demand-supply networks. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 4(1), 125-140.
  • Wang C-T* (2017). Identifying an optimally configured solar/wind power system for buildings. The 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (Quebec City, Canada).
  • Wang C-T*, Chiu C-S (2014). Sustainable management of Taiwan's semiconductor supply chain. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2014 (Jeju Island, South Korea).
  • Milne R J, Wang C-T* (2014). Incorporating dynamic relative importance into LP and MIP models. IIE Annual Conference & Expo (Montreal, Canada).
  • Wang C-T* (2013). Strategic supply network planning with order fulfillment modes. Proceedings of the 14th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (Cebu, Philippines).
  • Wang C-T*, Lin G, Hung C P (2011). A preliminary study of applying "Design-Chain Operations Reference-model" (DCOR) to collaborate substrate designs. Joint Symposium of e-Manufacturing and Design Collaboration 2011 and International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing 2011 (Hsinchu, Taiwan).
  • Bozer Y A, Wang C-T* (2010). A graph-pair representation and MIP-model-based heuristic for the unequal-area facility layout problem. Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (Awaji Island, Japan): 1-6.
  • Wang C-T*, Milne R J (2009). Advanced material requirements planning systems for semiconductor manufacturing at IBM. The Eighth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Kunming & Banna (China).
  • Fordyce K, Wang C-T, Chang C-H, Degbotse A, Denton B, Lyon P, Milne R J, Orzell R, Rice R and Waite J (2011). Chapter 14 The Ongoing Challenge: Creating an Enterprise-Wide Detailed Supply Chain Plan for Semiconductor and Package Operations, Planning Production and Inventories in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook, vol. 2 (pp. 313-387), edited by Kempf, Keskinocak and Uzsoy, Springer (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, vol. 152).
學年度 研究計畫名稱 研究計畫經費 補助單位
111 晶圓重組部生產管理專業人才培訓計畫 354,378


110 晶圓重組生產排程作業優化及產品標準工時維護計畫 442,000


109 晶圓重組部生產管理專才培訓計畫 328,000


107 基板部生產作業標準工時量測與維護計畫 350,000


107 iOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) 75,000


106 IOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) 計劃 162,500


105 一般建物採用最新太陽能與風力混合發電科技之策略規劃 339,000


105 iOS (Intelligent and Optimal Scheduling) 162,000


104 提升企業流程效率專案 60,000


104 製造管理系統(電子看板)與倉庫揀貨效率流程改善專案 54,000


102 同時考慮「顧客需求日期」及「製造商承諾日期」之 LED 供應鏈策略性產能規劃 528,000


100 提升台灣半導體產業供應鏈協同設計能力 550,000


99 全球運籌規劃顧問服務專案(延伸計畫) 120,000


99 全球運籌規劃顧問服務專案 120,000


98 運用數學規劃、圖形、以及啟發式演算法來規劃多期廠房設施 528,000


97 運用數學規劃、圖形、以及啟發式演算法來規劃廠房設施 563,000



  • 作業研究一 Operations Research I

    作業研究乃工業管理學門核心的計量方法課程,目的在於傳授(一)建立數學模型(mathematical model)的技能,(二)尋求模型最佳解(optimal solution)的演算法,以及(三)如何運用資訊科技為模型求解。

  • 再生能源與永續發展 Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development

    氣候變遷(climate change)與全球暖化(global warming)已對全球構成嚴重威脅。本課程目的在於傳授(一)全球暖化相關之地球科學,(二)再生能源(renewable energy)相關知識及科技,以及(三)為建物或公路網設置再生能源相關設施之策略規劃。

  • 永續發展與企業社會責任 Sustainable Development & Corporate Social Responsibility

    氣候變遷(climate change)與全球暖化(global warming)已對全球構成嚴重威脅。本課程目的在於傳授(一)全球暖化相關之地球科學,(二)再生能源(renewable energy)相關知識及科技,以及(三)為建物或公路網設置再生能源相關設施之策略規劃。

  • 供應鏈管理 Supply Chain Management

    供應鏈管理於上世紀 90 年代開始成為企業至關重要之核心競爭力。本課程探討議題包含供應鏈演化歷程、重大議題及挑戰、基本數學模型及永續供應鏈。
